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Dejean syndrome (orbital floor syndrome)  350

Dejean Syndrome (Orbital Floor Syndrome) 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h 717c29h   350

General: Usually secondary to a traumatic lesion involving the floor of the orbit.

Ocular: Enophthalmos; exophthalmos; lid hematoma; diplopia due to displacement of the globe or restricted function of the inferior rectus and/or inferior oblique muscles; orbital emphysema.

Clinical: Severe pain in superior maxillary region; numbness in area of first and second branches of trigeminal nerve; nausea and vomiting.

Bireer RB, et al. Orbital emphysema: how common, how significant? Ann Emerg Med 1994; 24:1115-l118.

Dejean C. Le Syndrome du cher de l'Orbite. Bull Mem Soc Fr Ophthalmol 1935; 48:473.

McKeown CA. Ocular motility disorders and orbital trauma. Int Ophthalmol Clin 1992; 32:123-l49.

Milauskas AT, Fueger GF. Serious ocular complications associated with blowout fractures of the orbit. Am J Ophthalmol 1966; 62:670.

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